Inferior alveolar nerve injury related to surgery for an erupted third molar 2007
15 Central incisor loss after delayed replantation following avulsion a contemporary restorative and adjunctive orthodontic management approach 2011
Maryland bridge nuovi materiali e nuove applicazioni 2013
Esthetic treatment of a diffuse amelogenesis imperfecta using press lithium disilicate and feldspatic ceramic 2014
Maryland bridge in composito rinforzato con fibre ed elemento in ceramica 2015
15 Ultra thin veneers without tooth preparation in extensive oligodontia 2015
15 Agensis of a maxillary lateral incisor associated with bilateral canine inclusions a noninvasive multidisciplinary approach JERD 2019
14 Agenesie dei laterali superiori revisione della letteratura ed evoluzione dei ponti maryland 2020
14 Use of customized fiber posts 2008
Use of customized fiber